Soffan hemma och verkligheten i Afghanistan
23 februari, 2016
Under 2015 arbetade jag som utsänd av FBA för EU:s polisinsats i Afghanistan som senior rådgivare för rättsstatsfrågor. En av mina uppgifter var att integrera gender och kvinnors rättigheter i arbetet med att utveckla och professionalisera afghanska polisen. Hemma i den bekväma soffan kontemplerar jag över den verklighet jag har bevittnat och det liv jag […]
The importance of a Global Focal Point
18 juni, 2014
A key point in peace building is to make the UN deliver more coherent and effective support the areas of police, justice and corrections. Concretely, the UN can no longer afford having several different agencies working on the same issues, with the same national authorities, without coordinating their efforts better. But the point goes beyond […]
More of Rule of Law than the Rule of Lawyers
21 januari, 2014
This year the FBA are engaged in two fairly large projects on UN rule of law work after war and crisis. One is a research project where we “map” what kind of rule of law the organisation actually supports in peace operations. A first report was released in 2012 and a follow-up report will be published […]
Rule of Law in Liberia – even the smaller picture counts
5 december, 2013
In any society, the provision of legal safeguards in administrative processes is a cornerstone of strengthening greater adherence to the rule of law as well as building up a sense of civic trust between the government and the governed. This all sounds very high-minded and pretty abstract to the ordinary person on the street, […]